Sabrina Nicolas

Sabrina Nicolas Poems

In a once upon a time that has never been,
I was with you all along

If we've ever crossed the same street,

With you
I am keeping my truth

With you

This is the time
I say to myself that
only babies cry

I think my niche is nowhere near you.
But like a persisting itch I'll somehow get through,
I swear-
I'll be over you.

The Best Poem Of Sabrina Nicolas


In a once upon a time that has never been,
I was with you all along

If we've ever crossed the same street,
If we've ever set foot on the same ground;

If we've ever stayed up until 3 o'clock in the morning
and wake up the next hour
because we drank too much iced coffee
with head and chest heated with nostalgia
caused by the last sixty nights' hang-over;

If we've ever sung the same song
with the same notes in and out of tune,
If we've ever thought of a call
sweeter than a victory by twenty-one guns;

If we've ever held a hand
we wished was someone else' s;

If we've ever walked towards the road
other than the one we'd always known;

If we've ever crossed the same street,
If we've ever set foot on the same ground,

In a once upon a time that has never been,
I was with you all along

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