Sachin Sunny

Sachin Sunny Poems

Far from the hearth's forgotten glow,
Across where jagged mountains grow,
Through sun-scorched sands and parched ravine,
No solace found, no starlight keen,

The souvenir moment you gave me,
The living memories of the past life,
Where I always wanted to be,
Though I know never can I be.

I dedicate this poem to all the people who live for the abandoned, homeless and the sick and the teachers who give their lives to the mission of educating theuneducated and bringing them colour into their lives.

The mission

Oh students, lend an ear to me,
And give grammar a chance to be
Your friend, not foe, though dull it seems,
It's key to unlocking language's dreams.

In marble halls, where freedom's flag once soared,
A gavel slams, a people's dream falls dead.
With silvered tongues and pockets lined with lead,
The bidders stalk, their promises are bred.

In the labyrinth of my soul, a chasm yawns,
A ship unmoored, on tempests tossed and drawn.
Meaning eludes, a phantom in the mist,
In a world where joy's a forgotten tryst.

In childhood's twilight, love exiled,
A citadel of sorrow piled.
Ramparts towering, scraping skies,
A heart ossified, where hope dies.

Sachin Sunny Biography

'Your life is defined by the choices you make.' Sachin Sunny is an author, leadership coach, public speaker, and the visionary behind Beacons Academy. As the Founder and CEO of Beacons Academy, his mission is to empower individuals and communities through education in leadership, science, and innovation. He is also the driving force behind the Academy of Curators, where he imparts invaluable knowledge in leadership and public speaking. His lectures span the realms of personal, social, and career development, nurturing growth in all aspects of life. Sachin's journey to this point has been nothing short of remarkable. Despite enduring both physical and mental trauma during his childhood, he faced adversity head-on. At the tender age of 16, he found himself ensnared by drug addiction, but he refused to let it define his destiny. To fund his education, he started washing buses.One day, while he was washing a bus, a man walked to him and asked, 'Dear, why are doing this pathetic job? ' He smiled at him and continued his work while persistently telling himself that one day he would be someone who would make a change in the world. After completing his graduation, Sachin embarked on a journey of self-discovery, fleeing his home to Hyderabad. There, he transitioned into a communicative English trainer. The turning point came when he stumbled upon Robin Sharma's transformative book, 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.' This literary encounter sparked profound change in his personal life, leading him to conquer his addictions and share his newfound wisdom with others. Yet, it took four more years before he fully embraced his transformation. During this transformative period, Sachin pursued higher education, obtaining his undergraduate degree from Annamalai University. His thirst for knowledge led him to delve deeper into the realms of leadership, communication, and relationships. Driven by an insatiable curiosity about the human psyche, communication, and leadership, he embarked on a path of studying psychology. Here, he developed a groundbreaking scientific model known as 'conscious Information Analysis.' This innovative approach has since become a catalyst for behavioral change, improved decision-making, and accelerated innovation. Today, Sachin stands as an author, mentor, leadership coach, and perpetual student of life. He dedicates his time to training teachers, professionals, and individuals from all walks of life to excel in their careers, personal development, and social interactions.)

The Best Poem Of Sachin Sunny

Born To Fight

Far from the hearth's forgotten glow,
Across where jagged mountains grow,
Through sun-scorched sands and parched ravine,
No solace found, no starlight keen,
They stand, a wall 'gainst shadows vast,
Their vigil kept, their futures cast.

A voice booms out, a chorus strong:
'We are the shield, where evils throng!
Born of this land, with fearless heart,
To face oblivion's searing dart.
We stand unflinching, breathe our last,
Defenders true, a binding pact.'

Their voices rise, a defiant cry:
'Though bodies fall, though pyres reach high,
Our spirits soar, a nation's soul,
Unbroken, fierce, to make you whole.
Strike from the dark, your daggers gleam,
But courage true, in sunlight's beam! '

These are the guardians, our nation's might,
The fire that burns, eternally bright.
No tyrant's hand can quell the flame,
Etched on our hearts, their whispered name.
We raise a fist, a grateful plea:
'Forever bound, our soldiers, free! '
- Sachin Sunny

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