Saiom Shriver Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sacred Light Of Dusk

In the hour before the
sun sets...his gold halo
immerses all in a sea of mystical light
confirming universal sacredness

Silent Tide

Silently with
great speed and power
the massive tide

Into The Sea

Into the sea
the river seeps
until with relief
the river is seized

Libra Librarian

When the libertarian
dated the libra librarian
she realized he was antiwar
and supportive of

Tragically Pruned

The tragically pruned
and hacked bush
would not in this year
weave seeds of his

Imbedded Reporter

The military
carefully choose
journalists to imbed
... those most likely

Smaller Acorns

He observed that
the smaller acorns
drop last..
like thin

Aura Charger

Does Governor Chris Christie Deserve His Name

Does Governor
Chris Christie
care a fig
about the suffering

Zz A Man Who Planned Saddam Hussein's Illegal Execution

Eric Levinson was appointed by George Bush to oversee plans for Saddam Hussein's illegal execution. He is now running for North Carolina's Supreme Court in a state which has not in years had executions.

Eric Levinson, appointed by the Bush administration to oversee judicial proceedings in Iraq, was one of the Americans illegally planning the execution of a foreign leader, Saddam Hussein, in an illegitimate war. Levinson has spent a great deal of money in ads. (Michael Scharf of Case Western Reserve was also part of the team which brought a new level of corruption to international law by arguing for execution.) The Nuremberg trials were also illegal executions. Over 3/4 of the world's countries have in practice or law repudiated judicial or governmental murder of prisoners. The US government gave Saddam Hussein mustard gas and untold billions in other weapons to fight Iran, before G H W Bush incited Hussein to action by slantdrilling from Kuwait into Iraq oil reserves. Later Bush told Hussein through April Glaspie of the State Dept. that the US would not intervene if Iraq wanted to regain the territory known as Kuwait, which had been carved out of Iraq's richest oil deposits at the end of the Ottoman Empire with an Anglo Iranian (now BP) oil engineer's drawings establishing the new boundaries.

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