Sakura Disward

Sakura Disward Poems

You came unnoticed
You came uninvited
Your presence is silent
You set up roots

We are destined to be together
We fall in love
Love at first sight
We laugh

The Best Poem Of Sakura Disward

Silent Enemy

You came unnoticed
You came uninvited
Your presence is silent
You set up roots
You drove your claws
You stake your claims to something that not yours

We try to stop you
Wipe you out
Strike you down
Praying for success

But only for a moment
You submit just for a while
You lay deep

You grew yet again
With a vengeance
Reclaim your territory
Spreading your evil seed much further
Destroyed everything around you

And we can only watch

In the end you won
Though I will never admit it

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