Sandeep Mishra

Sandeep Mishra Poems

Born in mediocrity, left to struggle
Unfair life blessed nothing but tussle

Neither the best of clothes, nor the trendy toys

Oh baby
It has been a tough year
But things will be al right, I swear

Sandeep Mishra Biography

An MBA from IMT Ghaziabad and a Merit Scholarship Holder in B.Tech. from Vellore Institute of Technology - Sandeep is a Jack of multiple traits who currently works as a consultant in a leading MNC. He has represented his School Volleyball Team at Zonal Level and performed dance and mimicry, at college and corporate level. He is currently a member of a guitar band in Bangalore and performs occasionally. Sandeep has a penchant for writing and is an avid blogger. He has been in the editorial team at corporate level and contributed various articles in a community newspaper and other forums. Sandeep has decided to write for a cause and he wishes to contribute to the society in whatever possible way he can. A part of the author’s royalty is going to be donated to CRY which is a non-profit organization in India that aims to restore children's rights in India.)

The Best Poem Of Sandeep Mishra

That's How I Remember You

Born in mediocrity, left to struggle
Unfair life blessed nothing but tussle

Neither the best of clothes, nor the trendy toys
Was never meant for them, but couldn't help wishful eyes

Born are some with silver spoon
Lady Luck despised me, I realized soon

Who wants those riches readymade?
Unceasing toil, perseverance and hope was all it takes

Been there, done it all, but yet so far
Almost arrived but never crossed the success bar

Let bygones be bygones
And I was only made to take it head on

Events after events, the years passed by
Tryst with the odds was yet to pacify

Hope also has a tipping point
All along was despair, gloom and disappoint

Conceded to destiny, I quit
But then life is never easy to predict

Life took a U-turn
Happiness at the ebb was about to return

You made my heart skip a beat
And I realized I still exist

You chirped, you poked, brought life to galore
Rescued from the rut, my elements were on the fore

I deserved the best, I got the best
'Marry Me Please', was my only request

Your eyes, your smile, about to kill
Music to my ears, 'Yes I Will, Yes I Will, Yes I Will'

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