Sanket Jain

Sanket Jain Poems

Life is full of fun;
But without batten
Of values beacon
Life will be just a hun.

Of all vice in the world under discipline
Laziness - a Curse - is like a Saccharin.
Sweet as pipe, sonorous as violin
Wicked as a snake, ill-mannered as Bedouin;

He who seeks pain for pleasure is a real aboriginal,
Runs slowly yet leads subservient to international.
He who has a mental condition stable aberrational
And is clearly confused for his rule over junior biennial.

Remote area where there is no screen
Timidity rules alone trying to save skin.
Of all evils in the creation under discipline
Timidity - a curse - is like a Saccharin.

A school in a village without any pastel -
Divine Child which never cares for riel
Strives for excellence. Does propel
The children upwards and rebel

Life's all phases are boredom
Except the youth - the handsome.
The only stage full of chasm
Is none than of Soldier's column.

Whatever troubles we teachers undertake
We change you to truth from clear fake.
Teachers are doing work hard for your sake
Want you all to be like sweet and quiet lake

Winter is a beautiful season.
Playing ice on land in London,
Enjoy without worry or reason
In Icy cold weather without sun.

A way to the outer world from inside
Is the window - an agent certified;
Gloomy, depressed, woeful world
Is made happy with a small riptide

A former lyric to celebrate some bode
A lyric to praise someone who is a goad
A lyric in praise of the West Wind - an abode
Of Autumn and frost; a lovely lyric that rowed

My Colleagues at SNK
Year 2024 was awesome in school
Met many talents and an idiot drool;
Hemali is math genius but never cool

My Principal is forever ready to explore
New things from students who implore
And set a new goal for them to outscore
In their own life. He is ready to restore

So precious, so dear, so exquisite grin
All of us could have is Sanmati jinn.
Notable for her academic success in
Many spheres of schooling life she win

Monorhyme on Divine Friend Banarji Sir

When all the world is a giant burden,

In this unknown world of knowledge hilly,
You came as a Mozart in disguise dolly
To teach all teachers how to teach fully;
Benefitted though sad - not meeting daily.

The world is full of fools' theory
Listening to them I feel weary.
Such egoistic heads tell not to worry
And at our back talk oscillatory

A vision, a successive step taken by ma'am Kekul
A legacy was born called The Millennium school
On 7th June and became big for which all drool
Thinking how it in years less got a costly jewel.

Millennium, asylum of powerful persons in school.
One of the inspiring personalities in its tool
Is Monika madam with her luring qualities skillful:
Smile, courage, oratory adroitness beautiful.

Monorhyme on Nineteen Gems
Millennium is a box of gems which crave
To get knowledge, values, principle and love.
I have nineteen such gems - precious motive

Millennium is a box of gems which crave
To get knowledge, values, principle and love.
I have nineteen such gems - precious motive
For me in unfolding life skill and educing dove.

Sanket Jain Biography

I am a teacher in Divine Child School as of now. I had worked earlier in P. P. Savani School in Surat. I believe inn" Pigs can Fly" . I believe that I am a very creative man. I am developing Monorhyme, where all ending words rhyme with one another.)

The Best Poem Of Sanket Jain

Values In Life - 1

Life is full of fun;
But without batten
Of values beacon
Life will be just a hun.
If you want in life won
Approx values bidden -
Not money, values one
Can lead to success done.
Difference between bison
And you is not a billion
But values based action.
It sets your steps begun
From beast to a good human.

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Sanket Jain Quotes

If one believes in one's abilities, one can do wonders as Pigs can Fly.

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