Sara Coleridge Poems

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The Months

January brings the snow,
makes our feet and fingers glow.

February brings the rain,

The Child

See yon blithe child that dances in our sight!
Can gloomy shadows fall from one so bright?
Fond mother, whence these fears?
While buoyantly he rushes o'er the lawn,

From “phantasmion” - One Face Alone

ONE face alone, one face alone,
These eyes require;
But, when that long’d-for sight is shown,
What fatal fire

O Sleep, My Babe

O sleep, my babe, hear not the rippling wave,
Nor feel the breeze that round thee ling'ring strays
To drink thy balmy breath,
And sigh one long farewell.

From “phantasmion” - He Came Unlook'D For

HE came unlook’d for, undesir’d,
A sunrise in the northern sky,
More than the brightest dawn admir’d,
To shine and then forever fly.

The Nightingale

In April comes the Nightingale,
That sings when day's departed;
The poets call her Philomel,
And vow she's broken-hearted.

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