Sara Gosa

Sara Gosa Poems

You don't notice
But I can't stop
I think about you
Around the clock

The world is spinning
tilted backwards
like the morning paper
I'm thrown out the day after

Sara Gosa Biography

I guess I'm not the average teenage girl. My philosophy is to love every single person. I don't believe in hate. Poetry is my escape, my outlet. Many times my poetry will be of love and other times sadness. All will show you a piece of my heart and soul. I've found love and lost it. I'm not sure what happens next, but I guess that's life.)

The Best Poem Of Sara Gosa

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You don't notice
But I can't stop
I think about you
Around the clock
I don't know your name
I don't know your age
Does it really matter?
I'd love you all the same


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