sarwesh tiwari

sarwesh tiwari Poems

A sparrow sitting
at the bar of my door,
is finding solace on shade,
from the deadly heat she abhors.

Whatever the god does
he does for the greater good of us.
obstacles and miseries
builds the strength in us.

There are more questions,
less answers in my life,
all puzzles and crossword,
where i move down and across,

My lord is smiling,
smiling for what?
for the little love i am giving,
or for the foolishness of my thoughts.

If i am comfortable
sharing my problems,
I then consider you not stranger
rather someone whom i can trust.

A beautiful girl, one who look towards me
for every little opinion of her life
one who thinks me her best friend a saviour who will bring her out of any strife.

I must carry you in my mind
through all seasons of my little life,
for you were the strength
when i was none.

Love is a rhyme
of soul and body
it dont knows limits
neither it knows authority.

When god on heaven,
decided to made human's on earth,
He sent an angel called mother,
so that we experience his love.

In order to free his father,
from the clutches of the beast,
to fulfill father's promise,
beauty went towards the east,

Meet a child
to know the innocence
to see the unwavering energy
and the radiance.

While in the morning
at my school gate,
I saw a little girl
crying holding her mother hand.

You are a result of prayer
being placed carefuly in my life,
perhaps in the dark i was heading,
your role was to show me light,

In the meantime somewhere,
i visit to that place,
where i fulfill all my desires,
with a smile in my face.

I am child of yours
O'lord you know better of me.

For every desire that

Moment when i thought
to shy away from you,
the signal of hope you send me,
brings me back again

I may fall, feel miserable,
but will not give up
and will fight to achieve
which is now unbelievable.

We are the slaves of our habits,
It makes our character
It defines our destiny
our thoughts are the seeds of it,


Here we took birth, acquire, grow old
all futile, In the end nothing is ours
why all run for money, recognition, love
when the Zenith is that same weird word

O' The twinkling stars
out there in the sky
Far away in the universe
alone but bright.

sarwesh tiwari Biography

Hi, all...myself sarwesh..and i dream a lot..I started composing poetries when i was in class 9th, but then came a gap because i had to struggle, it was a struggle to know myself, to know my strengths, to know my weakness, to know what life is, to know what people are and how they behave in different circumstances, to know my destiny.On my journey, i met some truly beautiful people who taught me a lot.I am still learning, struggle is still there but now i have a medium to express myself and that is the same old poetries that i had forgotten. If at all i can pass a message, its only this that in true love you grow and have faith in god, he is there for us.)

The Best Poem Of sarwesh tiwari

A Sparrow

A sparrow sitting
at the bar of my door,
is finding solace on shade,
from the deadly heat she abhors.

Singing melodies for whom? , i enquired
for her husband or for children,
or is this she actually enjoys
without caring for service or reward.

She flapped her wings to reach
branches of a nearby tree,
to continue her chirp.
A playful aura her voice creates
on the ear which reverberates.

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