Saul Cardenas

Saul Cardenas Poems

Its cold outside, but through these windows
one couldnt tell, the warmth cuddles your every
bone, slowly the warmth snakes through your
body and relief around the corner, your eyes

A mind of its own like its on cruise control
it flows freely telling of all that is
like a wire it flows with feeling and emotion.
yea my hand with a pen like a magic wand,

from afar one can see how life
has its up and downs, many smiles
and of course frowns that shape our vision
of life, tendencies seem to pull towards

Lets walk and share and know how
good it is to breath,
as we stroll we smile and we look
eye to eye and we know that life is great,

or how do you see it? ...
a lot on your plate,...
you might say, without much time to play,
with tons of stress,..'my life is a mess',


not to many days like this
i must say, where things
play out in such a manner,
A sure thing it is.....from


I hate it when i miss you,
you take to long before you call,
HURRY AND CALL! ! ! , and still
you havnt yet......


I want to be where its warm
where i am needed, where my tired
body can rest, where security is
close at hand.

Saul Cardenas Biography

Since i was a child i was like an adult in a small body how to express my thoughts have been a lifetime quest, i grew up in harlingen texas and pretty much was a worker a provider have had a need for being a family man all my life.)

The Best Poem Of Saul Cardenas

Its Cold Outside

Its cold outside, but through these windows
one couldnt tell, the warmth cuddles your every
bone, slowly the warmth snakes through your
body and relief around the corner, your eyes
with their focus on where you just were and
your memories of the numbness and chattering
are now behind, for now a good gesture and a
smile cause its warm inside.

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