Savva Emanon

Savva Emanon Poems

A love so deep, the universe cannot contain,
In realms where stars and galaxies remain.
Beyond the stretch of time, in endless night,
It shimmers like the moon's eternal light.

In shadows cast by time's relentless hand,
Where whispers of the past and future blend,
I tread a path few hearts can understand,
In solitude, where weary spirits mend.

In shadows cast by judgments, walk unshaken,
For whispers of others hold no claim on thee.
Be the wellspring where your joy awakens,
A lighthouse steadfast by your own decree.

In the shadow of twilight's tender embrace,
They spoke to me, with solemn face,
'You're dangerous, ' they whispered, cautious and shy,
'For you tread the world without ally.'

In shadows deep where sorrows grow,
We often cast a heartless blow,
For in ourselves, a love denied,
Breeds wounds in others far and wide.

In the quiet whisper of dawn, a gentle voice speaks:
'You're okay. It's okay. Everything will be okay.'
Breathe deeply, feel the world's embrace,
Let go of worries, find your serene space.

In the theatre of the mind, where thoughts reside,
Your mindset is the stage where life's truths abide.
It shapes your world, crafts your circumstance,
Turns fate' fickle hands into a dance.

In the dawn's soft light, if fortune finds you,
Awake, and see beyond the silver's hue,
Success is not in gold, nor milestones grand,
But in the heart that beats, in a gentle hand.

You're human, you are alive,
In the vast expanse of time's gentle sigh.
It's okay to have bad days,
To wander lost in life's winding maze.

In the heart's quiet chambers lies,
A force unseen by worldly eyes,
An ember burning deep and bright,
Guiding souls through darkest night.

In the tapestry of time, our hands are threads,
Intertwined in moments, where destiny is led.
We weave with hope, in colours bold and bright,
Yet some designs are hidden from our sight.

In a foggy realm where shadows drift and wane,
A mind is lost, a heart entwined with pain.
Confusion swirls like mist upon the sea,
A melancholic waltz in a minor key.

In the tapestry of life, threads intertwine,
Unseen patterns emerge, by a hand divine.
Everything aligns, in a dance so grand,
Guided by whispers, a celestial band.

In the quiet dawn, where shadows fade,
A warrior stands, with sword unmade,
Not on the fields where battles cry,
But in the heart, where secrets lie.

A sadness, deep, upon our shoulders pressed,
A weight that bends the spirit's lofty flight,
Debilitating, in our hearts confessed,
A shadow veiling every morning light.

In the garden of my heart, a bloom so rare,
The love of my life, a woman beyond compare.
She weaves the fabric of my dreams with care,
Her touch a whisper, her presence a prayer.

In a world where whispers often sting the soul,
Where judgments cloud the skies and thunder rolls,
They see your starts, the countless paths anew,
Yet fail to glimpse the strength that carries you.

In a world where riches gleam like gold,
True wealth is found in stories told.
Happiness is the treasure rare,
A jewel beyond compare.

In the hush of dawn, where shadows weave,
A silent seed, the earth does cleave.
No fanfare marks its tender rise,
Yet there it blooms beneath the skies.

In the quiet shadows of their minds, they dwell,
Where whispers of doubt cast a lingering spell.
Unseen chains forged in the heart of despair,
Believing no power, no strength to declare.

Savva Emanon Biography

Savva Emanon is a fully qualified psychotherapist, counsellor, dance & movement therapist, and founder of Calm Mind Counselling Services. Since graduating with honours in psychotherapy and counselling, he has worked with thousands of patients from age 6 to 95 and has truly changed the way people see the therapeutic process regarding mental health: moving people toward greater awareness, potential, and purpose by tapping into their innate body/mind/spirit connection. In addition to his working with anxiety, depression, and trauma, etc… he is passionate about overall health, fitness, and wellness. As a classically trained dancer in ballet, jazz, contemporary and tap, he has reached gold medals standards in Ballroom and Latin American dance. He performed for many years in venues including the Sydney Opera House, with the Freelance Dance Company. Savva became Artistic Director of Dance Initiative in Sydney. He has also composed music for several of the performances, over those years. Now he is composing music for the Calm Stillness and Poets Loft channels on YouTube.)

The Best Poem Of Savva Emanon

A Love So Deep, The Universe Cannot Contain It.

A love so deep, the universe cannot contain,
In realms where stars and galaxies remain.
Beyond the stretch of time, in endless night,
It shimmers like the moon's eternal light.

No cosmic force can bind or hold it still,
It flows with grace, defies both space and will.
In every heartbeat, every whispered breath,
A symphony of life, transcending death.

Its essence woven in the fabric tight,
Of dreams and destinies, both dark and bright.
In every atom, every cosmic thread,
A love profound, where even angels tread.

Such love, a boundless sea, no shores in sight,
In galaxies unseen, it burns so bright.
A force so pure, the heavens gently weep,
A love so deep, the universe cannot keep.

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