Sayantani ...

Sayantani ... Poems

You can't hurt anymore, for it had grieved the first time you had mocked
You can't baffle anymore, for your very first censures had shocked
You can't afflict anymore, for too many tears have been shed
You can attempt, but you can't kill hopes that are already dead

The soft breeze welcomes, the sky apparently cloud-ridden
Perfection adorns, while the tired sighs remain hidden
Cheerful at the core, in eyes with a magic spark
But one blink, and it all goes pitch dark

The Best Poem Of Sayantani ...


You can't hurt anymore, for it had grieved the first time you had mocked
You can't baffle anymore, for your very first censures had shocked
You can't afflict anymore, for too many tears have been shed
You can attempt, but you can't kill hopes that are already dead

You strive to shatter every remaining bit, in the greatest and smallest of ways there are
Your deriding glances and implicit allusions keep trying to disparage
Yet you will get defeated, for my darknesses spread wide and far
How do you wish to win, when you are fighting an infernal carnage?

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