Seipati Seipati

Seipati Seipati Poems

It comes with a miracle
in a simple way, it get stronger with time to grow older inside.
As it endores infinity asure
trustworthy to you

Remember my voice calling out your name
Remember this day as it comes harmongly with tear along with a smile

Remember our first words set to be along forgotton,

The Best Poem Of Seipati Seipati

The Sensational Love

It comes with a miracle
in a simple way, it get stronger with time to grow older inside.
As it endores infinity asure
trustworthy to you
I will be the one to admire your inspiration
forbid my innerbilities
rescure my heart and depend on it's ability.

"I hold a breath to reduce pain, sorrow and lead happines to passion of romance"
So amazing to introduce my heart to yours
So amazing to see them get along and so sweet to know hom depended they are to each other...

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