Serene Sapphire

Serene Sapphire Poems

Good memories stay forever
And never die,
Good friends stay together and
Never say goodbye.

Your always there to share my fears,
And when I'm crying you wipe my tears.

My wishes,
Are just
A little

A very good friend
A heart-melting loyal friend
A very gorgeous voice

How mean of the wind?
For shoving the sea
How unkind of the wind?
For destroying the mountain

I laughed,
When we were on a
Capsized raft,
I'm Facetious!

Do you know if your rug
Is made of the material Zug

Just like
Fictional literature;
I imagined
A dreamy tablature

Spiralling staircase
A huge ill-tempered monster
Destructed angrily

There are tears in my eye,
As I wave goodbye

A colorful artwork
Fluro yellow tapestry
Radient pink skies

I wrote a Haiku
And it was not really great
It was illegible

My Friend had tears,
When I said she was contagious;
She had a billion fears,
She was umbrageous

X anthochroia faced
A nd
N auseous
T allonic

Deja vu
Everything I've seen it
Just before
And recognised it

Sayōnara! Sayōnara!
I was so weary,
My eyes were teary,
Sayōnara! Sayōnara!

E vermore
T ears
E verlasting
R eally depressing

Butterflies with
Dreamy wings;

The Best Poem Of Serene Sapphire

Good Memories And Friends

Good memories stay forever
And never die,
Good friends stay together and
Never say goodbye.

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