Shablizy King

Shablizy King Poems

Sanity is to self preserves as insanity is the empowerment of the unused mind

Negative thought i believed it so deeply it become real.positive thought i believed it so deep it become real.your choice

You are inside me, you are around me, i only see you wherever i go because there's nothing in our universe of love except you and me

There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

Some people make you feel better when you are around them they are sunshine to your soul and medicine for your mind

i have suffered a lot in life just to maintain my value

i know what you are Thinking you are Thinking like am thinking what you are Thinking but what you are Thinking is not what am thinking

You Really Never Know Someone until You Talk To Them at 4 am.

pain over here pain over there pain in my heart pain in my soul pain in my hands pain in my toes pain been caused by the people we love most pain at home pain at school pain in my room pain in my shower pain every minute pain every hour pain everywhere i go now i cannot feel pain anymore.

You will be called in to fulfill a position of high honor and responsibility.

I Whunt To Be Kind and understanding to have Confidence, I have fine mind I have love life's Challenges I face Single Handed For I Do not Need To Hide in Shame I Can Laugh and be Laughed at I Know What I want I hold my opinion, Everyman Deserves Tuh Be Given a Chance Feeling For Justice Must Be unmovable and True My Hot Temper I Wish To Replace it with Good Cheer

Mi mayor deseo:
Es que logremos cumplir la promesa de jamás separarnos, de luchar contra todo y que lleguemos a ser muy felices sin importar lo que digan los demás, sin importar las dificultades, hacer todas esas aventuras que planeamos juntos, para luego contárselas a nuestros hijos.

Quiero pasar mi vida entera junto a ti hasta que me lo permitas o hasta que la vida nos permita. Porque un verdadero amor se trata de eso, de cumplir metas, de estar uno al otro apoyándonos, de superar dificultades y demostrándonos que estamos hechos el uno para el otro.

The Best Poem Of Shablizy King


Sanity is to self preserves as insanity is the empowerment of the unused mind

Shablizy King Comments

Shablizy King Quotes

Rise above and beyond everything is possible

Do not let your struggles describe you stay focused and be determined

Life is for living love is for giving so i gave mine to you

When you become lazy it's disrespectful to those who believe in you

You are doing much better than you think

Discipline will take you places that motivation cant

I am not what you think I am you are what you think I am

Just because they are not believes doesn't mean you are not magic

To know your worth means nobody ever gets to decide it for you

if you can't do it slowly you can't do it fast

Teacher's plant the seeds of knowledge that last a lifetime

Be useless so that, no one can use you

it's not that i can't see what they see, it's that i see what they can't

You are all that i want and all i ever need you feel so good inside of me, to have you as mine am blessed i love you like how the fat kid love chocolates

i know Your Hiding of Your untold Stories, but the fact is that i don't want it too because i Love You

People will love you people will hate you and none of it will have anything to do with you

inspired by many influenced by none

We Don't Need To Learn To Let Go.We Need To Recognize What is Already Gone.

One deep talk and apology can fix alot of shit but yall ain't mature enough

Some people are mad at you because you are not suffering like how they expected you to

When you learn to accept instead of expect you will have fewer disappointment

Losing me sounds good when you mad, but you gonna miss me when you cooled.

i Do Shit outta love never think you using me

Missing out on temporary fun to build permanent stability is not a loss! ✅💯

Letting go of people who have no interest in learning how to love you is self-care.

What a relief it was to let you go & remember how it feels to thrive on my own.

Get Rid of everybody who play both sides no matter what they mean to you

You are here to understand yourself not to be understood

if you can't hundle Stress you won't manage Success

When in Doubt Choose Change found a place inside yourself where nothing is impossible

I heard when u stop chasing what you want. You walk right into what you need.

Enjoy what you have, While Praying for What you want

I am head over heels Deeply in Love with you, Little Does She Know He Thinks about her Too.

Every Summer has a Story

Do i get Tired? Yes Do i Give up? No

you will Think for yourself when you stop letting others think for you.

welcome The change coming into your life

a beautiful, smart, and loving, person will be Coming into your life.

you can open doors with your Charm and patience

You will be Successful in Love i Swear.

all your fingers can't be of the same length.

it is very possible that you will achieve greatness in your life time.

if you want the rainbow then you have to tolerate the rain.

Dream Your Dream and your dream will dream of you.

may you have a great luck.

A new wardrobe brings great joy and change to your life.

Someone close to you is waiting for you to call.

Tell them what you really think. Otherwise, nothing will change😂.

Everything will now come your way.

You will be selected for a promotion because of your accomplishments.

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