shadiya kabir

shadiya kabir Poems

The dancing golden rays,
early in the morning
creep through my bedroom window
and rest upon my sleepy eyes.

The Best Poem Of shadiya kabir

Nature's Call

The dancing golden rays,
early in the morning
creep through my bedroom window
and rest upon my sleepy eyes.
Dazzled by the flickering light,
I wake up to the graceful rays
And gets ready for today’s journey.
I brush and refresh
and steps outside the house
with a coffee cup in my hand.
I glance up at the sky
and with a start realizes
its going to rain.
I rush inside,
heaves a sigh and
put down the cup.
I can hear the patter rain
on the pavement
and the rustle of the leaves beyond.
I peer through the curtains
drinking in the scene.
The frogs croak (or is it sing?)
and the flowers dance joyfully.
The birds all in their nest
and the rabbits scurrying along.
All creatures big and small
eagerly passes the way long.
Bewitched by nature’s beauty
and aroused by her song
I step on to the pavement
And answer nature’s call.
The silver drops slides down my cheek
wetting my shirt and
filling my heart with endless peace.
It trickles down my head
filling up my cupped hands
and as I splash the cool thing on my face
I feel nature’s blessing full of love.
Standing there alone
on the pavement in rain
and drenched to skin with water
with a tingle of joy
it dawns upon me
that it was worth my day…..

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