Shadrack Oteng

Shadrack Oteng Poems

Many engage in activity only few in productivity
Many are speeding only few are succeeding
Many are believing only few are achieving
Many are reading only few are understanding

......for Wole Soyinka

Your writings activate the dormant poetic veins in me
You are the poetic star I strive to see

Many said your marriage was the best
How many wished you were their guest
But when your unfaithfulness did start
Under the shadow of pride your marriage is now a rust

Shadrack Oteng Biography

I am young poet, author, motivational speaker, editor and a teacher of English language and English literature. I am bored for rhymes.)

The Best Poem Of Shadrack Oteng

Where Do You Belong?

Many engage in activity only few in productivity
Many are speeding only few are succeeding
Many are believing only few are achieving
Many are reading only few are understanding
Many are looking only few are seeing
Many desire relocation only few seek transformation
Many are talking only few are speaking
Many boast of talent only few have development
Many lust only few trust
Many preach only few teach
Many write only few right
Many people school only few people rule
Many hear only few listen
Many propose only few compose
Many pronounce, spell and write love only few practise love
Many have fears only few have ideas
Many wish for opportunities only few prepare for opportunities.
Many are conservatives only few are innovators


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