Shashi Singh

Shashi Singh Poems

Obstruction is everywhere now
When I see through my swollen eyes

Creatures crawl and feed on the sin

The Best Poem Of Shashi Singh

Dark Serenity

Obstruction is everywhere now
When I see through my swollen eyes

Creatures crawl and feed on the sin
My blood get's boiled, when I see someone cry

I feel like choking deep
My nerves are hitting me hard
The pulse is getting slower
But there's an anger I can't discard

The drops from my eyes
Wet the ground
My then eyes burned
The crust throughout
I left no one alive
I created mass genocide

I'm losing my sight
I'm losing my mind
Wish someone could tell me that i'm fine

When my anger went some level down
I saw the sin created
Loved ones died I cried within
There was no more blood left in my veins

My shirt got drizzled by the blood
Now the ground turned red
I fell on the red fluid
Thinking it to be my end

My eyes shed blood now
My heart now makes no more sound

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