Shaun Cronick Poems

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Miss Goody Two Shoes..Trilogy Of Evil Part 2

Whiter than white,
Purer than snow.
A virginal saint.
You'd like to know

She Was There...Trilogy Of Evil Part 1

She was there wearing her dress cut from sin.
She was there with a ravenous devil's desire.
She was there with the words of dead saints.
She was there with a hypnotic voice from a choir.

Guardian Of Love And Light.

You clarion not friendships broken,
To you ill-will is never spoken.
You love all and all love you,
It's all the good we see in you.


A Poets Spark Is Born

A poet's spark is born.
Creating many beacons.
Sharing their light.
For one and all.

Angel Of Death

Many sleepless nights,
Day after day.
Sheer bloody agony,
That won't go away.

New Years Day Resolve

As last year crept slowly,
Towards its final end.
My thoughts again arise,
Of faults which I might mend.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Then you plummet earthbound,
A spy satellite hits the ground.

30,000,000 Evil People

They came from all walks of life.
Men, women even the young.
All evil.
Thirty million.

How Fragile We All Truly Are

We kid ourselves sometimes,
In our lives we live and lead.
That no calamity falls on us,
And of course we'll all succeed.

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