Shay Alexi

Shay Alexi Poems

Butter to knife: How old were you when you first started stealing softness? What does it feel like to see a savory body content in her own sweetness?

Butter to knife: You say you like my softness, like being this golden, living silk was my birthright. You think I got this way by accident? You should've seen my mother, my mother's mother, my sisters churned to get this smooth, this cream, this trusting.

The Best Poem Of Shay Alexi

And This Time The Butter Rejects The Knife

Butter to knife: How old were you when you first started stealing softness? What does it feel like to see a savory body content in her own sweetness?

Butter to knife: You say you like my softness, like being this golden, living silk was my birthright. You think I got this way by accident? You should've seen my mother, my mother's mother, my sisters churned to get this smooth, this cream, this trusting.

Butter to knife: You never knew me spoiled milk. Sometimes, the hardest work is that which it takes to cultivate softness. But you wouldn't understand that now would you?

Butter to knife: You make it look easy. Slicing into me only to rename me dressing. Call me adornment. Behind every mighty carbohydrate there is a thing that makes you actually want to consume it. There is a delicate flavor you crave. You never notice when you have been blessed by softness. Except when we generous, velvet bodies leave and the nights are cold again.

Butter to knife: You said "look, I'm soft too." Said "they named me for you. Called me butter knife. Aren't we soulmates? " Said you were unfamiliar with the word cut. Said you never knew slice. Clip. crop, snip, trim. And now look at me. More wound than cream.

Butter to knife: You know we deserves this softness? This rebelliously silken skin. This luxurious, present body? I do.

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