Sheena Blackhall Poems

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The Dragon's Vertebrae (19 Scots Poems)


A birlin meal is ordnar in Beijing
The carousel is stapped wi bowls o rice

The Boddamer's Monkey: (30 Scots Poems)

1.The Boddamers' Monkey (Traditional)

Eence a ship sailed roon the coast, an aa the men in her wis lost
Barrin a monkey up a post sae the Boddamers hanged the monkey oh

Of Travellers: Shodo, The Seine Et Al (13 Poems)

1. The Travellers

'I'll have a limousine, ' said Sean.

Of Samye Ling, Winter Cricketers Etc. (19 Poems)

1.Wild Mentors

When a bird is hurt
It cries in half - notes

The Hare

The hare ran fast through Blueberry Wood
Quick as a river flowing
The sun was warm and the land was good
Now was the time for growing

How To Speak To A Cat-Woman

Do not speak too soon, or too often
Hum a dum dum
Pour yourself into a nearby space
Like water into a jug

The Pierrot's Narrative

'I was a high wire artist with a circus
I kicked my legs in the air, hung over Death
My aunt's a thirteenth cousin to Camilla'
The girl announced. 'I'm terribly well bred.'

Not Home Now

Like a dog that’s lost the scent
On a night of snow and dark
I sat outside the door of what’s Not Home Now

Boys On The Block

The High Rise block in Anytown
Sucks up folk like a straw

It stands in the dusk

Mr Charon (9 Short English Poems)

1. A Potion to Perk up your Cat

Two co-ordinates of brimstone
A pinch of bum fluff

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