Sheila Mapeshoane

Sheila Mapeshoane Poems

None compares to you!

I've been in and out of places
But none were as securing

*God* the heart's Grandmaster

When all you need is...
a warmer shoulder to cry on

A Woman, Created in the Image of God
Formed; Founded and Furnished with Favour
Discovered; Dominated and Delivered with Devotion
A Spiritual Woman, that's who I am!

The Best Poem Of Sheila Mapeshoane

None Compares To You

None compares to you!

I've been in and out of places
But none were as securing
I've seen many faces
But none were as assuring
For none compares to you!

I've had many stakes
But none were as affirming
I've read a number of tales
But none were as heartwarming
For none compares to you!

I've heard many consolations
But none were as comforting
I've heard too many melodies
But none were as soothing
For none compares to you!

I've read countless quotes
None were as motivational
I've walked many paths
But none as directional
For none compares to you!

Sheila Mapeshoane Comments

Sheila Mapeshoane Quotes

'In Suffering, it is not being in a state of Serenity but that of Sincerity that determines our human Supremacy.'

'Applying caution doesn't make a comment any less expressive nor the conversor any less free.'

'Judgement should not be seen as the after-life process but rather a regular activity undertaken by one upon oneself.'

'Intuition in the absence of Education is like operation of a vehicle with no licence, while possession of the latter without the former is like operation of a vehicle with no breaks. One without the other is doomed to derail.'

'*Pessimism* is like an unforseen hurricane, it's intent is often evasive and overlooked but the distruction thereof becomes divisive and overarching.'

'Responding to that which one has no full comprehension, portrays a detrimental glitch on one's Intellect.'

A valuable opinion becomes valueless if voiced out in a non-conducive environment. 'Context regulates Content.'

'Forgiveness is one powerful exercise for the Heart. It's eminent deliverables are surpassing Joy and inner Peace.'

'The worst state of cognitive deprivation is one where you are subjected to not being able to make sense of or derive meaning from a situation, circumstance or context.'

What a waste of time and energy it is, to complain when you do not initiate or partake in an act to positively transform or counteract that which you're complaining about. 'Be a TRANSFORMER and not a TRANSPORTER of negative energy.'

What a waste of time and energy it is, to complain when you do not initiate or partake in an act to positively transform or counteract that which you're complaining about. 'Be a TRANSFORMER and not a TRANSPORTER of negative energy.'

'If cherished, humble beginnings which are spiritually-infused and mission-filled, are powerful ingredients for greater achievements.'

'The worst state of cognitive deprivation is one where you are subjected to not being able to make sense of or derive meaning from a situation, circumstance or context.'

'Seeking God's kingdom is a never-ending process of critical reflection; transformation; comprehension and liberation of the self, attained only through deeper acknowledgement; awakening; sensitisation; and constant nurturing of the spiritual dimension.'

'Life celebrated in it's presence is far more enriching than the one celebrated in it's absence.'

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