shekirah crump

shekirah crump Poems

My skin
My brown lovely skin make the word beauty beautiful.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But everyone always looks at whats on the outside and not whats within.

As us as humans that have hearts minds and emotion.
we stuck on this love position that comes with alot of camotion
And its just hard to let go.
when a person falls in love it like a spell that overcomes your mind, heart, and soul.

Is it me
Is it me am I too thick or too thin.
am i too pretty too ugly or pretty ugly.
Is it me.

Dont judge me for my race, my sense of taste, or my pass.
For what i did back then doesnt control my future unless i let it.
Dont judge me for my sexuallity
if im gay bi or str8 who is you to try to dictate.

The Best Poem Of shekirah crump

This Beautiful Skin Im In

My skin
My brown lovely skin make the word beauty beautiful.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But everyone always looks at whats on the outside and not whats within.
Hey im not thin. But thick is whats in.
But let me tell u bout this skin that im in.
Im a person with a soul mind and a goal. But who told you to try to control
Cant you see. im my own person. LET ME BE ME.
This skin that im in.
This skin that has been broken, torn and damaged by loved ones and whos who claimed they loved me.
The skin that im in my brown lovely skin goes from brown to blue to thick to thin
from the bruses and cuts and just watching him go nuts
because i didnt let him have his way.
HUH.! For it to be broken in by a person that said they loved me and would leave after they was done
'getting it in' Not this skin that im in.
For this skin is the cover of my mind heart and soul has kept me.
It gets stronger as it goes through more deeper and intense war.
With the battles of hurt, anger and decifulness, just makes me wanna cut this skin that im in.
But hey who told you to judge me.
But hey im not thin. But thick is whats in.
This skin that im in my brown lovely skin it takes the word beauty and makes it BEAUTIFUL.

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