My sorrows,
They fly away from me at times,
Throwing me into the agony,
Of nothing to hold on to.
Sometimes I wonder,
Whether it was a dream,
Or whether it was a truth,
Something that had happened,
My Sorrows
My sorrows,
They fly away from me at times,
Throwing me into the agony,
Of nothing to hold on to.
Constant companions they are for me.
I beg them, desert me not,
For I am afraid of happiness.
Trecherous she is,
Like the rain in summer.
She appears out of nowhere,
Embraces me in her heavenly arms.
As I begin to forget the summer of my life,
She leaves me,
Abandoning me to the heat of my sorrows.
But I need worry not.
My sorrows, they always come back.
They cannot find a better home than my heart.
I welcome them, guide them back,
To their nest of my memories.