Slowly and slowly fly the mighty feathers:
the uncanny wrath bearer,
The poacher's prey, the bald bizzare stigmatic cryptic creature,
The ecosystem's majestic role player!

The azure ocean, home to embedded enormous incomprehensible riches of mysteries and riddles,
More than the Mars, lies unfathomed, underneath the conundrum of oceanic colossal rhythms!

From the The Milky Sea Phenomenon, a sight captured as bioluminescence illusion,

Let not the rust on art caricature thy dwindling sights,
As all evanescence, art is not evading
to deceive thy worthwhile,
As art is thine esteemed friend,

From the memory of the solitary childhood, she hears the solemn whisper of the wind pristine;

A castaway child was embraced by the bliss of nature and sacred greens,
Reared by the hallowed invincible unobtrusive bonding serene,

A whistling wheezing hamlet, whispering and emanating, tunes euphonic,
In a remote isolated valley, far-flung from the abode of the temporal,

Warbling quietly to whistle scads of tranquil cryptic songs;

You have visited, after a long time, 'Remember; once, I was brimming with might? '
Named babbling brook, revered as a singing deity, how blissful was my sight!
Have glimpses of reminiscences of your childhood, in my mellow abode.
Alas! You might be pondering: 'Why I look so barren, with no traces of aesthetic gleaming left? '

Once lived a demagogue of empirical hedonism.
His granary fuelled the philosophy of epicureanism:

Gregarious, restive, was the centre of narcissism,

Got on the ropeway for my rendezvous,
Yell! Those arresting eventful near twenty minutes!
Though a sudden trip, first time had a birds eye view,
Of the most gripping serene sights from the peak.

Was privileged to have a fortunate chattering communion with the chirping plover;
The most exotic bird ever, with a grey-brown back and wings, bright yellow eye rings,
a white belly and a white breast along faded pinkish legs, black neckband,
large white forehead patch.

I saw a gorge, a remote vision from distant, far far away from the surface, how sharp, how precipitous, how deep!

A  singular, unsurpassed, cavernous  cleft;
a crevice among two gigantic hills, how intense and steep!

Was privileged to have sedentary on the seashore in seraphic poetic submersion;
the ringing sounds from the distant horizon made me entirely lost in my speculation;
when the sounds of waves from far nimbly touched my ears to distraught me all of a sudden in collision!

Their mere weapon was their forbidden courage, hands barren with no armaments, no ammunitions, marching towards the proud valley of death, dedication born from their sempiternal dreams of a free land.

Their bare weapon was their incessant patriotism integrated under a sensitise unique identity of 'many in body, one in mind' regardless of microscopic divisions and territories.


Eminent author, poet and critic, hails from India. The author has been honoured worldwide for her excellent literary works in the realm of poetry and fiction. Rated as one of the best emerging contemporary poets of the world, the author is lauded for her lavish inimitable style, revolutionary use of exquisite, unconventional imageries, prolific ingenuity in sphere of rhetoric and prosody.)


An Ode To The Scavenger

Slowly and slowly fly the mighty feathers:
the uncanny wrath bearer,
The poacher's prey, the bald bizzare stigmatic cryptic creature,
The ecosystem's majestic role player!

The curtain raiser of pure air, mother nature's garbage disposer!
Wonder! Thy role is omitted, the saviour of the mortal race from the contagious diseases!

Astounded, how thou, uncontaminated dear environment!
Thy poaching has taken away the soul of the balanced ecosystem!
Crucial is thy presence, on the verge extinction might have horrid ripple effect!

Irony! The friends' void can't be substituted by mere replicas of sustainable development!
The diminishing existence will drastically affect the local food webs!

How alluring to have a glimpse of the hunch and tuck of the bird's head in the cold,
Flapping and fluttering the wings, stretching the neck in the heat!

Thou, remain aloft for hours, soaring gracefully on long broad wings;
With dazzling sharp eyes from the highlands to pick the carrion!
Thy iconographic presence is being honoured by the myths, legends, fables of civilizations!
High time to contemplate, to introspect,
to jump into the ecosystem's integral bandwagon:
As pivotal to rescue and redeem the friendly endangered existence!
© Silpika Kalita



Walk lone than with a fake companion, your next sobriquet will be ' Invincible! '

Edible water may extinct soon, pivotal to treat it as boon!

Each flatterer must have a good memory as the white liars may fail to retrieve!

Be your own, as facsimile/plagiarism in forms, is bringing disgrace to the animal kingdom!

Oxygen bars are mere farce to substitute the purity of nature!

The best security parents can give to their child is the right education.

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