simon daniel

simon daniel Poems

He gave me my airy naissance -
My breath of life
He's the one who holds me
in His mighty arms

The tsunami struck
Fukushima got rattled
But I just wonder
Why the Loving Lord

I don't have to write of scumbags
I don't have to talk or think
of slumdogs' wagging tongues
or the slumgods' staring bloodshot eyes

You cannot walk like others do
You have a separate life,

Divining and snooping
has become
a way of life for many
- They willingly let their souls

I read, "they ran without
Being called, " If that be so -
And I did run once, Thou knowest

May it be done -
If I may find favour in Thine eyes, O Lord
And if it will be well with me -
Take Thou me

I'm only waiting for His consent
What He would approve
and, what He would not.

Another setback.

Do you count setbacks as setbacks
Or do you rev up

Find the right lock!

What if it's already open-
Keyholes look inviting anyway....

You can be lonely
in a crowd -

That's why, in a library,

And so there's this other old goat
Who peers in wantonly, -
In the most despicable way
But is reckoned a sage! !

George Herbert looked around
and so have I
Many a time -.

simon daniel Biography

I'm not a regular poetry writer. But when I write, I write. I love everything that God has made and that which has not been polluted by man. People who follow God's ways, are His children and He cares for them. The rest are those of the Devil.)

The Best Poem Of simon daniel

He Cares!

He gave me my airy naissance -
My breath of life
He's the one who holds me
in His mighty arms

He cares!

The care that others show
is all but a passing shadow
A vainglorious attempt -
He alone cares.

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