Simon Nguni

Simon Nguni Poems

Doubtless, doubtless a mess
I am a lump of flesh
A mesh of skin tapered over
Brittle, broken bone

Simon Nguni Biography

I am just a man looking for my place in this world without any biases, fear and insecurities. Hope is a good thing thing, maybe the best of things so too are love, learning and imagination.)

The Best Poem Of Simon Nguni

Everything And Nothing

Doubtless, doubtless a mess
I am a lump of flesh
A mesh of skin tapered over
Brittle, broken bone

I am mere man and not a superhero
I am a zero and a pariah
My reputation counts for very little
I'll burn it all
Everything AND Nothing

Apply a bit of logic
You do the math
Don't divide by
You are just a passer by

Me? I am a mere man
With bruised heels
Plagued by my many ills
And a growing sense of hopelessness
Or is just cynicism?
At this point it really is hard to tell

All I know is I am a mere man,
With bruised heels, yet still walking on
Walking on to the promises I've made
Towards the victories I seek to gain and keep

I love keepsakes and photo frames;
Timeless moments and mementos;
A brilliant idea and all the solution it entails;
A consensus and the meeting of the minds

I am just one man
A mere man
Mortal and finite
Bruised heels, trembling knees

My hands are feeble
My heart is fretful
My mind is the only thing I can count on
The struggle is keeping it open

No offence but do you get it?
I don't mean at all to insult your intelligence, Lord knows you have plenty of that
But give this line it's due diligence

My mind is the only thing I can count on
The struggle is keeping it open
Open to differing views and ideas
Different perspectives whatever varieties

My mind is the only thing I can count on
The struggle is keeping it open
Open to new lessons life is out impart
Open to divergent opinions

The struggle is to keep it open
Even after that degree to never stop learning
'Cause it'll only move me a few places
A tad to the left, a little to the right
Whatever imaginary lines my eyes see

I digress
So forget longititudes and latitudes
Just put on some fresh attitude
Like... Like always leave the place better than you found it

Me? I'll lend you these feeble hands, my fretful heart and my mortality.
There's life yet in these bones
There's blood still pumping in these veins
For me to hope and pray, for me to stop and listen.

You got something to say, I'll hear it
I owe you at least that much

So forget longititudes and latitudes
Just put on some fresh attitude like, like,
Talk is cheap and an idea shouldn't ever have to end at just that
You can be the change you want to see

It starts with you
You with your fretful heart, your feeble hands and your trembling knees
You a mere man, a trying man
Doubtless, doubtless a mess

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