sindey forte

sindey forte Poems

The day after your birthday, 
 you look in the mirror to see: 
 a) you've got a zit from eating all that cake; 
 b) your love handles have expanded a half inch; 
 c) you singed your eyebrows blowing out the candles.
The day after your birthday, 
 a) you require six extra hours of sleep; 
 b) you can't find your living room under the birthday debris; 
 c) you wonder how you could possibly have done THAT.
The day after your birthday, it's time to: 
 a) return some gifts (what IS that, anyway?): 
 b) call your friends and apologize for yesterday; 
 c) get out of the country, fast.
The day after your birthday...
 we should all look so great
 and have it so good!

- Why do you try to impress me.
When it’s not even wreath it.
you lie, and say things that are not true.
Just so I can like you.

What is love?
I really want to know.
Is it how you feel about someone.
Or just a word.

I am your Guide.
An Angel from the sky.
When I lye upon a cloud.
I see you walking by.

I'm old enough and therefore wise; 
 With age our brains grow bigger in size.
 So I wish for you a long, long life, 
 So your brain can grow bigger and stop causing strife.
And although we often disagree, 
 There’s a strong hope that I can see, 
 For it’s birthday time; a year has passed; 
 Your brain is getting bigger fast.
Before too long, your bulb may light; 
 No longer will you want to fight, 
 Because when you have a brighter mind, 
 It will be easier for us to think in kind.
With each year you live your thinking grows stronger, 
 And that’s why I wish you’ll live a whole lot longer.

sindey forte Biography

I love to write poems a lot when I'm at school, at my friends house, anywhere i go and i like it when it's quiet that way i can make my poems wonderful. I like to hangout with my friends and my family a lot also....)

The Best Poem Of sindey forte

Getting Older Birthday

It’s birthday time again I see; 
 Another year's gone by.
 We’re older than we used to be; 
 The thought could make me cry.
For getting older is not such fun, 
 When there’s hurting in your back, 
 And it’s agony if you have to run, 
 And a pleasure to lie in the sack.
Yes getting older is quite a bore, 
 But to not get old is worse.
 So 'Happy Birthday! ' let’s shout once more, 
 And to heck with our ride in the hearse!
Hooray for getting older! Happy Birthday and many more.

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