Tshepo Malekutu

Tshepo Malekutu Poems

What a woman's pride!
The dress, it brings fresh shower for the thirsting eyes,
It is full of light and strange passion,
As I look I suddenly laugh to my surprise,

I have been walking around through the shadows.
The shadows that linger on the soul.
You are lonely and the world is cold.
My life is a tiny coffin between corridor,

People are rude and sometimes kind-
Clothes are expensive and we are not making much-
Social life is buried by media and we watch many pictures-

What a great shame!

What a disgraced nation we are!
We have pedophile in our National Key Points bludgeoning women,

…What an abandoned brave bequest! ! !
The oozing mighty cry of Soweto uprising-
The 1976'sof Mbuyisa Makhubouproar courage -
The June 16 of Antoinette Sithole stand as ferments -

In between her legs, my soul rise up
I feel the breeze of honor in my body
My eyes leave my body behind
Oh my God the passion that awakes in me

My dearest aspiring princess
There is finesse in you that Humble my guilty eyes
Your mid-queen roman face close my eyes
You are a bed of roses in my life

On a day we meet, to walk a line,
Compassion in this world counted,
The compassion of your heart and mine,
Which means far more to the fainting heart,

…This woman is the oxymoron of life.
The striking night is in peril, with her,
my qualms and mental strain are arrested.
We are having a fair trial of joy,

In a shack room with no windows, a poet was born-
And place with no light and darkness of life-
A father was never there, a mother was there-
The days passed on with one direction-

I am kind of aman who want you but not for himself.
I am kind of a man who likes you but not for himself.

I am kind of a man who feel things for you with my heart and sing songs i failed to sing before, and drink wines i never had before.

Every time I am trying to walk,
I fall next to a grave.

It's seems and sound like a call far,


Why do I spoon with an old battle-ax?
I find her faded out with a fag
I fall for her because she is not addlepated
and she is not babbage


When will your mater pay peppercorn rent?
You live here and eat my food,
seating here with an intense straight face,
on my chair! Under my roof!

Oh, My Fair Minion-
With the soft vicissitudes of pleasure and repose-
You woo delight and Gratified me with the architecture-
Of jovial mood, my mood is at beyond apogee-

Man shall not vitiate women.
Man shall not despoil or plunder women.
Man is tyrant of lust, a misfortune by nature.
Best man cannot defend their fate.

I was at church with flibbertigibbet spirit-
I was seated around believers but marred and death in soul-
Feeling like a stranger with my old deeds noising within me-
People were boosting and praising but I was tied and cold in spirit-

I am not easily swoon by your exact beauty.
Your dub is stationed to my hearts.
Letters you wrote are carved into my chest.
We shared more than shelter and bread in our times,

Softly, in the morning the hunger is singing to me
Our neighbor folded the flag of charm and joy
as a family My heart was folded and shaken in tears; and horror

Life is a knife, I am stabbed! I am stabbed!
I am deeply in and out stabbed by people,
And my bleeding heart is next to candles,
I might as well, live with animals, to mark all rules,

The Best Poem Of Tshepo Malekutu

The Dress

What a woman's pride!
The dress, it brings fresh shower for the thirsting eyes,
It is full of light and strange passion,
As I look I suddenly laugh to my surprise,
It stand easy on you, like a falling snow in France
My eye repose in deep shinning color,
it fades away my death soul,
And play music in my inner oceans,
It serves my eyes with pictures of thought,

What a dress!
A sweet time of voiceless music,
It awakes all human passion to breathe far above!
What a pleasure to believe what I see!
A dress with a deep respect,
Into my face; expression of joy load down my heart,
The beauty of a dress that captures the wind,
I seat and stare for the rest of my life,
to cheer the end!

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