Melody! ! !
A song to be accompanied by aninstrument;
Melodies of love and life!
Like a musical piece of song.
Love! !
Like a popular song!
Tones and zones,
Drones along the line;
Revolution! !
With the redemption song;
But, try to give freedom to all and,
Let us live in peace.
To sing to my well-beloved!
Regarding to the sweet muse of her lovely vineyard.
A song for you,
A song of love;
Heart's love! !
Rights and justice to all mankind without racism!
Echoes of life! ! To free your mind from mental slavery;
Depending on the works of the truth!
Exhibited with righteous morals;
Stiff, if!
Manner of life,
With a song for a young lady;
One to the dog,
Two to the pig,
Three to the opossum which lives around you;
For an apology is rendered freely.
Your Love,
Your Sweet Love,
Simple and honest,
A song for my well-beloved;
Living in the vineyard of love.
"Your hair is like a flock of goats sweeping down from Gilead.
Your teeth are like a flock of sheep which have come up from the washing;
Every one bears twins,
And none is barren among them.
Sing me a song!
A songof peace and love,
Hero's song of righteous morals! !
A song with a smile on your face;
Words of this song:
You're beautiful all over!
Even if you look at yourself naked in the mirror;
Looking at your breasts and your hair,