RoseAnn V. Shawiak Soothing Poems

Soothing Voice

Swinging with tempos of interior contemplation, settling down amid etudes, swimming around me in astounding rhythms.
Taking all senses into a vast land of rhythms, soothing every nerve and brain wave, completing it's voice inside every note being sung.

Soul Soothing Rhythms

Soothing Love

Being alive on highways of midnight, leaving daylight far
behind, soaking in it's own heat.

Finding an emptiness being fulfilled with unconditional

Soothing Innermost Sadness

Upgrading and stepping gladly into another space,
crawling into domains of another environment,
taking satisfaction of being into inner depths of

Intensely Soothing

Carrying on as if nothing has happened, wanting so much
for life to be a happy melody that can always be listened
to in a calm flow of ocean tides.

Soothing Rebellious Attitudes

Musical rhythms delighting this poetical mind, soothing it's quiet
rebellious attitudes and moods through writing of poetry.

Imagining solitude while being captivated in colors and mist of

Soothing Consciousness

Flowers bending and swaying in natural visions as I think of their bright colors and touches of velvet, soothing my consciousness in rhymes.
Dancing lightly, bringing many subjects to mind, wanting to be remembered in times of everlasting poetry.
Taking time to recognize all images coming forth to be seen and beautified by chosen words of comfort and sublime concentration.

Soothing Inner Feelings

Entertaining this mind with rhythms of all types of music,
feeling it ease the stress of today, soothing inner feel-
ings of isolation and abandonment.

Soothing Sadness At Times

Calling from depths of being, tears falling, soothing sadness
at times even though it never seems to lessen or fade away.

If wanting to learn, needing to continue experiencing this

Soothing And Meticulous

Alluring and energetic thoughts are flowing musically
into the atmosphere, faster and faster.

Centering this mind and giving my heart and soul peace

Soothing Horizon

Desert forest, so green and lush, embedding itself into this
poetical mind for eternity.
Stretched before life's horizon on Route 74, a world of chaos
has met it's match in peaceful rolling mountains of God's own

Soothing Melodies

Soothing melodies tracing tears down avenues of

Soothing Interior Life

Rapping up against emotions and feelings, thoughts pounce
upon the trampoline of my interior intellect, giving it
exercise through rhythms of music.

Soothing Motions

Flattening down voice, attempting to be heard,
yet vocally not getting it.
A little strain and suddenly voice comes up to
perfect pitch.

Soothing Concepts

Features of rhythm coexist with nature, filling it with
beats of heartfelt generosity.

Soothing Balm

Playing a harp in my mind,
gently touching strings.

Soothing Memories

Soothing Insiders

Soothing inside of my mind, curtailing trials of energy, robbing memories from storage bins below consciousness.
Often, listening to the tones incites words to form around meanings needing to be told.
Rewritten stories blended regularly to the old.

Soothing Violins

Soothing violins taking me to new heights, attracting
novel ideas into thoughts.
Wonderful appreciation growing ever upward in spirals
of curiosity.

Soothing Environment

Energetically moving into another dimension of life, emotionally
and spiritually entering the presence of the Divine, a peaceful
soothing environment.

Soothing Repertoire

Riding skies of excitement, thrilling to the honest, innocent
rhythms that tell many stories in depths of our hearts, souls,
and intellects.

Simple And Soothing

Songs jumping, our minds soaring into skyways of beauty through
musical rhythms as they entice and tease intellect all night long,
so simple and soothing.

Soothing Inconsistencies

Slowly rapid, soothing inconsistencies in
this treacherous life on earth.

Reaching out for positive aspects in other

Elixirs Of Soothing Mysteries

Rocking to rhythms as they fall easily off of bronco's backs and end up being lifted into many measures of life as they are experienced.

Always being filled to the brim with elixirs of soothing mysteries that capture and entice mind and intellect in fires of passion.

Soothing Beauty

Wanting to take nature into my arms for an eternity,
always being soothed by it's beauty and placated by
the serenity it emits throughout my mind.
An honor placed upon me, as writing, I express

Soothing Subconsciousness

Lightening fast, filled with the sparkle of an unknown
realm, awaiting knowledge to beckon mind and intellect
into circumferences of a poetical process.

Soothing My Being Energetically

Taking in all of life, filled with it's adventure and
thrilling excitement as I live it thoroughly, not ever
wanting to miss a moment of my existence.

Soothing Abilities

Racing rapidly, unwinding completely from a day
of turmoil.

Lights swirling around the room, sharing their

Soothing An Interior Wildness

Totally rocking into outer spaces of music, taking
rhythm collectively into beats of a drum, takeing
us all farther and deeper into jungle's melodies.

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