Soumya Motwani

Soumya Motwani Poems

Why does it all seem so dull and black
I don't think I have any reason to feel so laid back

Problems of the heart is definitely not what's worrying me

Some emotions in life are just priceless
And they cannot be superseded by that higher authority(GOD)himself

That look of contentment in a baby's eyes when he is the arms of his mother

The Best Poem Of Soumya Motwani

Mood Swings Or Just Another Day?

Why does it all seem so dull and black
I don't think I have any reason to feel so laid back

Problems of the heart is definitely not what's worrying me
Work pressure is not something that's bullying me

Days pass just fine, and time flies too
When will all this professional work quit being tedious and become exciting too

Punching in those numbers and meeting deadlines
Sweeping people off their feet and achieving those successful heights

Multitasking and a mind full of fantastic ideas
Is a dream of some individuals but certainly not mine

Am I a 4'11 feet of misfit in a world full of overly ambitious and competitive people
Or just another 27 year old going through an early mid-life crisis

It's nothing but mood swings they say
And some state it to be just another day

It's been nine years and my search hasn't reached its destination
Surely I've accomplished certain milestones but with dedication
And I wouldn't really want to blow these out of proportion
Because now, I would love to take diversion

How wonderfully my mind wanders to thoughts and feelings unknown
Strangely, my heart is also prepared to take a stroll on the unfamiliar paths my mind takes it to

Every creation around me ceases to matter
When in the world of words I enter and surrender
It's a world so beautiful and mystical
And they will always only give, without being critical

Beautiful lines by Shakespeare:
"All the world's a stage
And all men and women merely players"

Have you ever wondered which character you are really here to play
Is it the one life has thrusted on you along the way
Or is it the one you are really born to display

Suddenly all of it seems so bright and cheerful
I think I have a new-found reason to feel happy and joyful

Is it really mood swings as they say?
And is it really just another day?

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Soumya Motwani Quotes

Every creation around me ceases to matter When in the world of words I enter and surrender It's a world so beautiful and mystical It takes nothing and only gives, without being critical

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