Stanley Brown

Stanley Brown Poems

I remember you from long ago
My lovely brunette angel
You gave off such a glow
Eyes all sparkling and twinkling

The Best Poem Of Stanley Brown

True Friends Together Again

I remember you from long ago
My lovely brunette angel
You gave off such a glow
Eyes all sparkling and twinkling
Your smile was quite the show

A true friend you were to me
Shared our passions and ambitions
Our Most secret inner thoughts
With such intimacy and laughter
We wrote the next chapter

Our closeness endured the years
As friends we shared the tears
You cried on my shoulder then
I'd let you do it again
I want to comfort my true friend
Through the thick and the thin

I since your presence always
My true friend from long ago
Your affection, love and kindness
From you sweet lady always flows

Lately I sit and ponder
What might have been years ago
Wad we never been true friends
It would have been easier to let go

I start to go breathless
When I think of you so afar
I long to be by your side
My bright twinkling star

When I remember your sweet voice
My heart flutters and shutters
I feel our passion growing
Our affection constantly flowing

A true bond has formed again
With love in a long lost friend
Must have been the wings
Of an angel blowing winds
Bringing two butterflies
Together back as true friends

Now I since your tenderness
Is always present
And it makes me ponder
How could I leave you again
My sweet true good friend

I feel our souls getting stronger
I feel something different now
And a new love that will not falter
God willing true friends at the alter

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