Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Real Winner

To fail having done your best isn’t
something to be ashamed of at
all – however, to win just by
relying on your natural

You Call This Romance?

The art of wooing is virtually dead and, instead,
what now passes for courting is nothing more than the

Discovering True Love

Someone once asked me, in that questing but
decidedly informal manner employed when

I’ve Only Myself To Blame

It’s not love of but simply lust for me that you’re solely
concerned with, and even though with some difficulty


Having you daily in my thoughts
Is a preoccupation that takes
Up much of my time,
But then it’s also

A Spectacular Choice

The Cardinals have spoken, their voices giving election
to a new Pope on whose shoulders the responsibility:

What Price Virginity?

Hey! What are you saving yourself for; until the
right man comes along? And who says he will,
or that if he does you won’t by then be a bitter
and frustrated old maid wishing that you’d

Whatever Got Into Me?

I must be in love, for after you’d gone I found myself
reaching out and cuddling the pillow that previously

Enduring Stability

Thoughts of you are the unvarying inspiration
that keeps me going when you’re away from
me. The lighthouse in my mind, whose
comforting and familiar presence guides

Until You Came

I deliberately put my deepest and most sensitive
feelings on hold, convinced that in this downright
selfish and quite arrogant world of mediocrity
where everything has a price tag stuck on it

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