Stanley Cooper Poems

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Our Topsy-Turvy World

In the very very topsy-turvy world
Straight lines are elliptically curled
Way above is found below
Jungles covered up with snow

We Can’t Go Back

I wonder whatever became of such and such
It’s too many years since we’ve all been in touch
In our youthful naivety we were innocently un-clever
Assuming our ‘then’ would be our ‘now’ and ‘then’ forever


Though very much surprised
It really doesn’t irk me
That my outlook’s been apprised
As being one that’s quirky

A New Animal Kingdom

In the Kingdom of animal royalty
Where cats and dogs would reign
There’d be no sign of cruelty
Nothing inhumane

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

When I was a very very young pup
They’d ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up? ”
My answers were happy and fanciful, as I was disposed
To believe I could be anything my mind could suppose

Haunting Memories Of Ueno Station, Tokyo,1946

Orphaned children

Metaphors And Similies

I wish I could dream up a meta-phor or five
To keep my poems more poetically alive
I will always be known as the poet who's hacking
If I continue to write poems metaphorically lacking


Recall America's huge robust middle-class
From the good old days that didn't last
Once hard-working, now jobless, they can't subsist
Our nation's middle-class strength no longer exists

Brain Abuse

My brain has its own mind
Over which I've no control
It seems it's totally so inclined
To thwart my each and every goal

A Bad Eight Years

Everyone has a bad eight years, once in awhile
But some who have it, at least have it in style
Not true of Dubbyah, in a class all his own
His eight years never could enter that stylish zone

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