Stephanie Strong

Stephanie Strong Poems

Every spring each flower grows,
From cherry blossom to the red rose,
From the tall woodland trees,
Come out the birds and bees,

My darling love I love you so,
I remember those nights when I held you close,
Together we danced underneath the stars,
And you kissed my lips and you blew me far,

Stephanie Strong Biography

I am 17 years of age and I am a sixth form student at Morecambe High Sixth Form. I enjoy reading nd writing mainly poetry and songs based on true feelings and emotions. I ahev been writitng songs and poetry since I was little. I enjoy singing and dancing as well as reading. Stephanie x)

The Best Poem Of Stephanie Strong


Every spring each flower grows,
From cherry blossom to the red rose,
From the tall woodland trees,
Come out the birds and bees,
Starting with February to the end of May,
There will be love shared on Valentines Day,
With flowers given that have just grown,
Even more love will be shown,
As all the birds come out to sing,
Enjoy the beginning of spring.

As the sun shines bright all day,
All the children come out to play,
With smiles on faces,
And families going different places,
Parties by the pool,
Splashing water ever so cool,
Enjoying the days in the sun,
As the fun has just begun,
Its time to enjoy the hot sunny days,
As you can have fun in many ways.

The squirrels in the park pounce here and there,
As the trees are starting to go bare,
The air no longer seems to be warm,
As people sweep leaves off their lawn,
The leaves sway as they fall to the ground,
Not even making a single sound,
As the leaves just fall one by one,
You can suddenly tell autumns begun.

With the fire burning and heating on,
Summer has now been and gone,
Time to put up that Christmas tree,
And celebrate another new year with the family,
Eating chocolate and making mince pies,
The soft white snow falls from the skies,
Little children’s faces glow,
As run to play out in the snow,
Wrap up warm as winter is here,
Moments filled with joy and cheer.

This is Dedicated to Life itself as this is what life is about love and spending time with the people you care about.

(All my poems will be dedicated if they all mean something0

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