Stephen Kiernan

Stephen Kiernan Poems

Kuv lub npe hu ua Andre.
Kuv tsis xav kom koj muab kuv phau ceev xwm txheej pov tseg.
Nej, nej cov txivneej.
Nres kev plhws rau ntawm lub rooj zaum, Sonia.

It's been a month now.
He hasn't come home.
I've been waiting for some time.

The Best Poem Of Stephen Kiernan

Andre Ua Hauj

Kuv lub npe hu ua Andre.
Kuv tsis xav kom koj muab kuv phau ceev xwm txheej pov tseg.
Nej, nej cov txivneej.
Nres kev plhws rau ntawm lub rooj zaum, Sonia.

Lub tsev kawm ntawv? Hav!
Kuv tsis tau ploj mus nyob hauv lub lis piam.
Kuv qhia lawv txog kev kho lub cev,
Tias kuv yuav rov qab nag hmo...

Ib lub lim tiam rov qab Goose.

Stephen Kiernan Comments

Stephen Kiernan Quotes

If the police are funded by our taxes and the police come to our house if we refuse to pay taxes then if everybody in the world stops paying taxes they can't get arrested because there's no police

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