A Nation Of Cowards

(Dedicated to you, my Brothers and Sisters)

Powerful words,
Truthful words,
Honest words,
Brave words;
This is exactly what the Doctor orders,
For a nation, who's trying to fight the horrors
Of blatant racism,
Unfairness, injustice,

Monstrous Procreation

(Dedicated to in vitro fertilization victims...)

I - the tiny embryo
defiantly -
to laws divine - conceived
by 'procreators deceived'
through methods contemptible,
unfit for human...
sinful, disgraceful...
unbefitting to man!

Leaflets From My Life - Gowri - My Lovely Puppy

Gowri was the name given to her,
Gorgeous white Pomeranian,
Black eyes bright like
Black berries ripe,
A loveable pet,
A welcome addition to my family!

So cute! Like a snow ball!
So adorable that
I could not take my eyes off her!

To The Girl Across The Street

You were my very first friend
With sunlit yellow hair,
which directly complimented my dark mane
We were a pair, uniquely different...
but, oh so much alike
In our search for childhood adventures...
we forgot to count hours
and sang our way through summer days
in a harmony that, now, has spanned
almost half a century....

A Child's Supplication!

O Maker of this universe! ! ! ! !
Sought in silence, prose and verse!

Teach me Lord to sing Thy Praise
On strings of these my humble lays

O Knower of all black and white
Pour on us Thy heaven's light

Thou knowst our deep folds and layers

On Christmas Eve

December is here with Christmas beckoning at the door
He saw every house bright with many a lamp
And the whole streets illumined with colorful lights and stars
But his tiny hut looked dismal n’ dark like a prison camp

With a suppressed sigh, he inhaled the festive air
His little heart grew weary and dim
There has never been a merry Christmas in his life
As the days advanced, he grew moody and glum

Signing Out!

When I shall cease to breathe the vital air

The news will spread like a wild fire

In my limited circle where a very few people know me

Some of my folks will be busy receiving calls

The others dialing

Luminary's Steps

As an owl picked out the fixed Star
A break in the clouds, a ray of hope
Washing her hands of muddled,
Many-sided habit of mind
Not tasting earlier setting kind...

Discerner gifted supplied sustenance,
Caring for brethren
Though injured by a raging wolf
Esteemed as right the flood of trouble,

What Makes The Dalai Lama Lovable?

His posture
From so many years
Holding his robe with one hand
Is odd.

His gait

One's own body

*thiruvalluvar - An Universal Poet

You can see him standing tall a statue
amidst the sea in kanyakumari
right at the bottom of india
He was a poet who wrote short verses
just two lines was his verse
four words in the first..three in the next..and
that was his format

Some say he is younger
some say he is older

'Acquired Label'

Being I am..
a child of Adam
as on the day
I, intented to step out
from the door of my home
chasing out for
my global siblings;

the rigid beings of

4 Photos In A Drawer (Not Forgotten)

Photo 1
Baby sits
with diapered bottom
against gritty linoleum
Beauty (above baby)
framed in gilded sunlight
Glossy hair caresses Beauty's face
Baby basks in mamma's halcyon glow
She doesn't know
the beginning of her sorrow.

Memories Of Mother

It's more than fifty
years now she's been gone.
She went to heaven and
left us all alone.
Downwinders we were,
or so they called us
years later when they
found out what happened.
A small Utah town
got more than its share

Nandita Samanta's Review

Bharati Nayak evokes a whole world of natural consciousness, nature's appraisals and emotional bonds in her poems, nurturing each with unique personal care. The love for words, their strangely satiating pleasures and pains are transitions between her thoughts and her beautiful expressions. I found different layers and dimensions in each poem. Her very first poem 'I' tells about her conviction to remain etched in time's history with her poignant verses for generations to come, long after she is gone. If one has read the story or seen Satyajit Ray's 'Pather Panchali' can relate well to her poem 'A letter to Appu with love from Durga' where she beautifully narrates the bond between siblings, and Durga's soulful reminiscing. 'Oh Life'is a conversation of the poet with life, her observation and sensitivity impressed me very much. She begets her verses from fire and from ashes, unmoved by detractors or believers, confident of her perception and evocation.
Poems of immense depth, soft melody, spontaneous flow and personal style makes Bharati's collection 'Words Are Such Perfect Traitors' a must read for all those who love poetry.
Nandita Samanta
Poet, Author, Artist, Reviewer
Kolkata, West Bengal

Albert Einstein 81 - A Crusader Of Peace

Dr. Albert Einstein spent the last ten years of his life,
As a Crusader of peace and disarmament.
He passionately voiced his concern about Atom bomb.
In a dinner at New York Astor Hotel, in December 1945,
To honour Nobel Prize winners, he firmly declared:
"The war is won but peace is not"!
As a staunch pacifist he was much disturbed and worried
About the possible use of atom bomb for a wrongful purpose.
He vociferously spoke against militarism, its implications,
And advocated Gandhi's methods of Ahimsa or Non-violence!

My Friends

Many friends do I have
How do I describe them
As I am what I am
Because of them

From my mother's womb
Till my final tomb
My days and nights
Are shaped by
My friends' love and whims

A Poem For My Lovely Daughter

Somewhere here
can, I smell
strongly, its presence
at a distance of
closest approach
or within.
Your quest is
elsewhere MAA!


Memories of childhood prattle sweet,
Strange, funny utterances incomplete;
Toddling walk on the faltering feet,
Falling down, the same to repeat.

The fondly fight among the siblings,
Pulling one another's strings,
Shielding us to mom we cling,
Affectionately she sweet kisses flings.

I Meet The People

When did my journey begin?

Do I remember?

Was it in my mother's womb

Or was it million years ago

When God planted me in a cell

Vincent Van Gogh 25 - A Nightmare!

After six hours in Marcasse with Jacques, from lack of air,
Vincent felt faint, panting, choking, with heat and dust.
He felt he could not endure this torture anymore.
He was thankful to Jacques when they decided to return.
They had to still walk for half an hour to reach the cage.
Vincent blindly followed him with stinging, coal sweat in his eyes.

When the cage reached the top, Vincent stepped out,
Dazed by the sudden, feeble light of the sun. He rushed
To the washroom and looked at his face. It was pitch black!