Monstrous Procreation Poem by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.

Monstrous Procreation

Rating: 5.0

(Dedicated to in vitro fertilization victims...)

I - the tiny embryo
defiantly -
to laws divine - conceived
by 'procreators deceived'
through methods contemptible,
unfit for human...
sinful, disgraceful...
unbefitting to man!
designed scam!

I - the tiny embryo
insolently conceived
by 'procreators'
unduly relieved
treated as a product
another commodity
met with farcical fate...
disposable merchandise
elected to 'live'
or put to ghastly demise!

I - the tiny human
never lived to see
my siblings grow,
progress, and mature
for they were unsafe
in terrifying danger -
annihilated, eliminated!
as me - a victim embryo
a sufferer, human casualty
usable, throwaway thing!
with immortal soul within...

do they bathe their bed
with tears over me?
no! they abandoned
the memory of me...
for they've rebelliously
forsaken Thee...

not parents!
not even procreators!
but selfish terminators!

can the selected sibling
find true comfort in your arm?
when hearts are lifeless, cruel
DID to tiny offspring
sickening, irreversible harm?

liable to creatural caprice
mind-boggling whim-wham:
am I just a waste product? !
or if sought after
I become a wanted man? ! ...

while Unfailing Creator
Munificent Liberator
steadily inquires
of regal... fit desires:
'Is not My Love Supreme
enough to crown your dream? '

Shari . 03 January 2009

woah, very insightful. it made me think. very good word choice too. and i especially love the last stanza.

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Joseph Poewhit 03 January 2009

There is a bleak coldness about the whole thing.

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Ahmad Shiddiqi 16 January 2009

very sensitive and expressive! ! ! Dear, friend. Could you read and comment on my “Javanese Poetry” likes Asmaradana (Love Song) , Balabak (Joke) , Dhandhanggula (Best Wishes) , Durma (Anger) , Gambuh (Education) , Girisa (Warning) , Jurudemung (Seduction) , Kinanthi (Womanhood) , Maskumambang (Manhood) , Megatruh (Sadness) , Mijil (Arise) , Pangkur (High Values) , Pucung (Wisdom) , Sinom (Youthful Song) , and Wirangrong (Majestic) , please? Could you read and comment too on my “Musical Poems” likes Ballade d'amour, Ballet Rosette, Bay Song, Capriccio Brillante, Cavatina Cabaletta, Children Song, Concerto “Pegasus”, Concerto 'Qilin', Divertimento Espressivo, Etude Magnifique, Garden Song, Harmonies poétiques, Intermezzo Misterioso, Lullaby, Mélodie Antique, Moderato Maestoso, Molto Cantabile, Morning Song, Nocturne fantastique, Prelude Scandalous, Rapsodie Chromatique, Rondo Dolce, Serenata con Grazia, Song To Society, Street Song, Symphony 'Dragon', Symphony 'Miko', and Toccata con Vivacità, please? Could you also read and comment on my last three poems like Lovely St Lucia! ! ! , Batik Java, and Jamu Java, please? Many thanks for your attention and support.

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Peter Laskin 14 May 2009

Dr. Kardas, A true and frightening depiction of the mind-set of scientists who are clearly out of control (mostly for monetary profits!) rebelling against Our Creator and His natural laws... intruding in the realm of procreation belonging only to Him! Great poem showing the apparent irrationality by putting science at the center of things... showing its destructive and diabolical practices.10!

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John Farrah 03 November 2015

Bravo Peter! Couldn't have phrased it better.

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WATER LIILIE 21 April 2009

We all concur Dr. Kardas, that fortuitously the voiceless have ' their freedom of speech' through such a wise and talented liason as yourself. With gratitude, in the name of the unborn....continue to always be our spokeswoman, full of the Light and all gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

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Jay Pappalardo 17 April 2009

Dr. Kardas, This is superb moralistic interpretation of the evil of in vitro fertilization practices. This evil practice means that human beings enter the world no longer as gifts of God but as mere products of human evil engineering, as products that can be eliminated or accepted. NO LOGIC in such thinking! Thank you for shaking and enlightening our moral consciousness.10!

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Roger Guzman 05 February 2009

Shocking, but very truthful subject matter, masterfully expressed from the perspective of the unborn...doomed child. Last two stanzas really a knockout punch! ...what pitiful human irrationality: if wanted the embryo is human and is cause for great rejoicing, yet if unwanted...becomes just a despised piece of waste product! How true, is NOT GOD'S Perfect Love enough for us? 10+ Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!

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John Farrah 03 November 2015

Agree completely, it is a superb work executed in an poignant work of artful verse.

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Renia Surrette 05 February 2009

Absolutely the best written poetic argument we've ever read! Please check our family's comment on 'Birth Announcement? '...we have the greatest respect for your keen insights and delivery of this message in the voice of the children who suffer this satanic abusive invention...the cry of each murdered child can be heard through your words loud and clear. Again, God bless..The Surrettes

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