There is no more love in my heart
You don't seem to care
I have this deep pit in my heart
I call it despair
I am tired but
This is not the tired I am able to satisfy with sleep
Not the sleep you know of
It can be satisfied with my sleep
I have no clue
What it is you have done
To make me love you
As the moon loves the Sun
I have a feeling in my gut eating away at me
While you sit content and happy
I am silently screaming as loud as I can
While you joke and laugh
I know things about you others don't
I know the things you say in your thoughts
I know the things you do that others do not see
And everything you have said that I will always remember
You came into my cold dark forest
You produced small sparks for when I was cold
You showed me warmth that seemed innocent
But those sparks turned into a small fire
Do something
Do anything to make me hate you
Give me a good reason