Stuart Smeltzer Poems

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A Daughters Love

She came into this world on a bright sunny day, the first time I saw her sweet face,
She had the sweetest and loving smile on her face,

A True Friend

“A True Friend”
We live our lives trying to be liked or asserted in today world but we should not worry about what the world thinks of or sees in us, There is only one person we should be more open too, That is someone how will be there for us.
“A True Friend”
When we wake each day and start it in a good outlook and a prayer and not think about what we can get out of the day, But what we can put into the day and put all we have into the one who truly loves us unconditionally.

Sweet 16

“Sweet 16”

Now you are 16,
Nothing behind you but your childhood!

East To West

“East to West”

When we have a problem with someone and we get angry or upset with that person,
We should be as Christ and Forgive from as far as it is from “East to West”.

With Faith

“With Faith”

With faith we know The Father will provide all our need, as long as we put all our faith and trust in him.
The Father will give to us in the his time,



For there are two types of wisdom, one from above, one of the earth.

Mothers Are

“Mothers Are”

 Mothers are the ones, who bring us into the world,
Mothers are the ones who teach us right from wrong.

A Cross

A cross is just wood;
It had no real meaning till the day a prefect man
Was nailed to one.
A cross is now the symbol of real love;

Poor Or Richno

“Poor or Rich”

What do we believe our self’s to be?
Are we poor with no money?


In this world there are many walks in life some are good some are bad.
But as we look into the mirror of life we only
See one thing that is a friend.
“A Friend in Jesus'

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