Oh! My dear
Happy New Year
Are you clear?
It is nothing but the sum of time
Oh my little star,
What do you do there?
Do you love me?
But I love you more and more.
I have a pen, it's color is violet
It is a flower to kind hearted
For cruels it is a bullet.
I have a pen, it's color is indigo
Moon and stars
Diamond and cars
I can give you not
But friendship and love
Not dream but in fancy world
For two children,
In that world to give a kiss
No one think s wildness
Shadows of sorrows
Is surrounding me
Till these days
I am reminding thee.
Oh Rain! Oh Rain!
You season Rain,
Among all the seasons
Are you the queen?
No death to memories
But life is brief,
Life without a friend
Is not a real life.
No one claims to love it
As love itself is given
Among all the loves
Only mother's love is heaven
The road may be spineous
Or fringed with rose
In the way of poetry
Or may be of prose
Good morning good morning
Good morning friend,
India is our mother land.
Wel come wel come
Does everything speaks mouth
That thinks the heart?
Perhaps some tells
Something does not.
To my heart I asked
Whose sound whispers?
Which is from it?
It is perhaps yours
Don't think the boys
Are plastic made or
Rubber made toys.
Don't think them
I am not a professional writer but I write sometimes to get self satisfication. I wrote my first poem ' I love you little star when I was reading in 9th class. I wrote most of my poem during my college education. A few poems, I wrote after I am engaged in my job. But I have hundreds of poems, many stories and some articles in my regional language 'ODIA'.)
I am a beggar
Not claiming at money,
Who can tell me some
Words like honey?
I ask for pity
And kindness,
I want sympathy
People cruel less.
I claim at love
Affection and nonviolence,
I am a beggar of
Peace and tolerance.
I am a beggar of
Good and relationship,
Never war be happen
To God I worship.
I hate terrorism which
Destroys wealth and life,
I am a beggar of
Good manners in brief.
Super poem