Sue Sure

Sue Sure Poems

Destiny, essentially,
I founded on myself
A hill of roses
Washed and frozen

Shadows highlight vacant space
Where the sun hasn't spoken for days.
And I learned something new today
I think the sky's opening up for me.

I think I lost it again,
Whatever purpose to whatever ends
And by all means
I think I tend

How can nothing come undone
It has no thing,
no shape,
no form,

Dusty windows,
Plagued by a dumpster diving man.
He holds his whiskey in an old soda can
And lives off of the

On wings,
Silence like the night,
In a daydream
Pervades a solemn chance at hope, a glimpse beyond the window.

He leads with his stomach
She leads with her chest
Don't know if they talk much
it's hard to digest.

You can go anywhere
cause there's no one here.
You can do anything
but there's not a thing to do.

The Best Poem Of Sue Sure

Supposedly, Destiny

Destiny, essentially,
I founded on myself
A hill of roses
Washed and frozen
Anything beneath me fell
A thousand tides
A thousands words
And they've never left my mouth
Slightly receding, as the moonlight
Lulls around
Destiny, perhaps we'll see
More on the morning sun
For often times, the dreams decide to rise
As light correctly hits your eyes
I can already imagine the silent piercing of the night
a single beam, a ray, floating
Just to reach my eye.
Supposedly, a destiny, perhaps, maybe, essentially,
Is as the rising sun (just to reach my eye)

(Some may argue, some may wonder, some may shout the moon, yet in stillness and in quiet evenings, destiny can be the moon and the sun and among the stars I cannot say with full sureness, for though I know it still is shaken and dusted with clouds)

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