Suicidal Symphony

Suicidal Symphony Poems

its okay to not be okay
to have everyone judge
its okay to cry
even when they're around

They say I'm suicidal
Promise me medicine will help
Take me to therapy
Make sure i down every pill

Suicidal Symphony Biography

I'm thirteen. I have trouble telling people my thoughts so i write poems instead. ENJOY! ! !)

The Best Poem Of Suicidal Symphony

It's Okay To Not Be Okay

its okay to not be okay
to have everyone judge
its okay to cry
even when they're around
its okay to love
and be broken yet again
its okay to be yourself
even if you're not

its okay to pick up the pieces
and glue them back
its okay to pick up a razor
and cut your skin
its okay to love anyone you choose
but its not okay to not be okay

its not okay to say fine but mean otherwise
its not okay to keep it in when you want it out
its not okay to feel different
its not okay to feel bad
but if you do i'm here just 2 words
' Help Me'
and i'll be there

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