Susan Christiansen

Susan Christiansen Poems

What is it about the p****
That makes it the first and best loved toy?
To be pulled and stretched beyond imagination
And pain (you’d think) would allow.

I believe….. that good coaching, like good teaching inspires, not demeans.

I believe….. that to always expect the best brings out the best in others.

Did you poop your pants
Lorenzo’s mother asked.
His shorts crept up,

My children stayed home sick today.
1,2, and 3 felt awful, they say.
“I have a temp, ”

Today is the day I think I dread
My baby turns sixteen.
She’s gone from precious amazing gift,
To a beautiful, self-assured teen.

First memories, a mother’s arms
A gentle touch
The smile that reaches
All the way to the eyes.

The best gifts are often those that take you by surprise.
This summer my gift was a friend,
A sister of the heart.
She is both brave and tireless,

Susan Christiansen Biography

I am currently married and the mother of four children...all teenagers! I have been an elementary school teacher for 22 of the 28 years that my husband and I have been married. I became a writer at the age of 46 when I joined the Eastern Iowa Writing Project, and have not stopped writing since then. I am as avid a reader as I am a writer and look forward to reading your contributions. When I am not running from one school activity to another, I spend time with a menagerie of three dogs, two cats, a turtle and assorted fish. I've heard that small towns CAN be boring! !)

The Best Poem Of Susan Christiansen

A Reflection On Males

What is it about the p****
That makes it the first and best loved toy?
To be pulled and stretched beyond imagination
And pain (you’d think) would allow.
As soon as the hands can grasp
And the diaper comes off, it is found……
The common focus, short journey, goal achieved.

As toddlers, it is best displayed to open air,
And available for a moments whim.
Bathtubs and water are magical……
Look! It does something new!
It goes with me,
Can’t be forgotten or left unpacked
With it along I’m never bored.

When diapers are done comes new control,
This thing will work for me!
It never breaks
Like that squirt gun, dropped and cracked.
I have to GO NOW!
No problem, a tree is here.
It doesn’t matter that cars go by.
I’m Mostly dressed,
No dropping pants, no squatting needed - this thing can aim!
Convenient as well as fun.

Then comes the discovery that it can get hurt,
Slapping and rapping, pinching and punching,
Take on a whole new meaning and form.

Bonding with Dad……..who would have thought,
Of writing names in snow?
Fleeting but memorable………
And watching TV,
A warm cozy place, safe haven for our hands.

The teenage years and all their angst,
A mind of IT’S own,
Or so they claim.
The central focus of all in life,
Both good and bad.
The punch line of all jokes.

Males and their p****,
Each stage of growth brings differences and similarities.
A toy, a tool, a friend……………………….

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