Syed Ahmed Shah Poems

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The misplaced metaphor
Streaked passed


Do not expect of me, my beloved, the same old love
Life once appeared beautiful because, I thought, you were there
The sweet longing for you made me forget other worldly pains
The spring seemed eternal because of your splendid beauty

Three Short Poems About Living

You say it was him
He says it was you
If you do not restrain your fingers
There will be no him

Samurai Words..

Poetry, like love
Comes in volent bursts
It is all about spilling blood
Sometimes hers

Translated From Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Flesh of the menial hand is up in the market for sale
Streets dyed crimson with blood from the poor veins
The fire hidden so long, bursts aflame with sudden rage
This heart listens no more to the sober call for restraint…

Die Kristallnacht Idiots

You broke shop windows with sledgehammers
Your arms could hardly lift; and you thought,
Broken crystals would make large sounds and
A solitary fire would look like a thousand and they

Harvest Me By Hiren Bhattacharyya (Translated From Assamese)

With your hands reaping God's bounty, please pick me up;
Branches, leaves, roots, the whole of me-
I'll be a song on your lips.

A Poem Never Fails

A poem never fails...

There are poems read only by poets
There are poems read only by non poets


কবিতা কেতিয়াও অসফল নহয়
কিছুমান কবিতা আছে কেৱল কবিয়েহে পঢ়ে
কিছুমান কবিতা আছে কেৱল অকবিয়েহে পঢ়ে
কিছুমান কবিতা আছে সকলোৱে পঢ়ে

Zikir Of Hazrat Azan Peer-Iv

I am only thy humble servant (O Allah) ,
An ordinary being,
(I cannot) comprehend thy mystery,
Thy real scheme of things.

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