Syed Karim Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Play With Rainbow

Play with Rainbow, wear the Rainbow
Ride the Rainbow high and low
Spread the color of Rainbow wherever you go
Paint with Rainbow, create a magnificent show

Pretty Blond Lady

They call her P.B.L, Pretty Blond Lady, pretty as a doll
Colorful like the color of leaves at fall
She is always busy running around getting things done
Full of life and bundle of fun

Call My Name

When you are lonely and no one to talk to
Call me, I will listen and hold your hands too
When you had a bad day and feel terrible
Call me, I will make you laugh and make you giggle

I Wonder Where Will I Go

I wonder where will I go when I pass on
Will I grow old before I am gone
Life is a mystery no one can explain
What is the purpose of birth what is the gain

Have Fun, Sing Along

Have fun sing along, enjoy life all the way
Hurt no one be kind watch what you say
Life is precious, it is a gift
Touch others who are down, help and uplift

Please Love Me, Don'T Leave Me

Rain drops falling, thundering and lightning
The Sun is hidden, dark cloud forming
Gloomy foggy wet outside
I am lonely, me by my side

Sitting By The Sea, Thinking Of Me

Sitting by the sea thinking of me
Mind is traveling as far as eye can see
Long ago crossed the Seven Seas with dreams and motivation
Walked tall, walked straight, dodged all temptation

Dream High Follow Up And Follow Through

Adorer Chachima, Mrs Afsari Nazim

Dream high it is free
Dreamers and doers made all possible what you see

Why Did You Break My Heart

Why did you break my heart
Played a love game and then depart
I was a lonely soul before you came
I am lonely again, I took the blame

Would You Be My Valentine

Would you be my Valentine
W. Faye Berkheiser
Valentine's day came again but I am blue
No one there for me to say I love you

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