Sylvia Carter

Sylvia Carter Poems

Thank you Father for another day that has
passed.....Thank you for the life, health and strength
that you've blessed me with

She has
given a lot of herself
to please you

I'm a Kings daughter
I'm a Kings daughter
I'm a Kings daughter

You're lost again
aren't you?
How, How may I help you?
can I help?

What I have
I Love my Family 'I have a sound mind'
I Like Luciano Pavarotti
even though.I don't speak a word of italian 'I have a sound mind'

It happened so
so smooth that it shocked me
'all is well'

Tell me
what would you're first thought be?
would you be angry?
would you be hurt?

tear tar rate live

I wish there were words we humans; you're creation to describe, express and relay to others,

The awesomeness of who you are 'perfectness'

How is it that a person can make a covenant promise and have no intention on following through on the promise made?

How is it that you can show no remorse over the pain you've caused another human person

So I think I've been in Love one time are another?
I'm not at all sure to tell the honest truth?

Some folk will turn up their noses at you and look at you funny


You are the one and only true God
Thank you heavenly Father, for being the one who has and still
working on my behalf

They stand and sit around
talking, joking
making fun of each other and total strangers....


Oak trees under water, the sky upside down
beautiful sun shining
you knew, she knew who else knew?
you're friends knew, some of my friends knew

The power of the world
come from the creator of the Heavens and the Earth
nothing and no one is able to stop the plans he's already made for me
nothing and nobody is more powerful than MY GOD, GOD

I believe thing and life situations would work out a lot
differently today May 6,2003
If some people would admit I'm a player and do it today May 6.2003
In my own MIND!

I'm heart breaking
rule making woman
if you want to play with me you'll have to follow my rules

Honestly most of the time
I have no clue of what I'm doing
I mean I'd like to do the best possible thing in every area of life

Sylvia Carter Biography

God healed me from 2 aneurysms and two small strokes in 1999 I had to learn to walk & talk again. I'm a redeemed child of God whose given birth to 1 son who is 32 years young, I was a preachers for wife for 4 years. grandmother of 4 beautiful little girls I enjoy writing poetry/lyrics Praise God I now have 5 grand-sugars the last one is handsome little boy named Adam Sean Carter born 6/5/2014)

The Best Poem Of Sylvia Carter

Night Time Prayer: Based On Psalm 4: 8

Thank you Father for another day that has
passed.....Thank you for the life, health and strength
that you've blessed me with
Thank you for all your great Love
and forgiveness
help me be the person you planned for me to be
when you created me.

I will both lay me down in peace and sleep
for thou Lord only make me sleep and dwell
in safety.

Amen THANK YOU JESUS added by Taylor age 4 December 2002

Sylvia Carter Comments

Sylvia Carter Quotes

I wanted to Truth be told, My mind told me we could work through the thick and difficulties of life's definite rollercoasters of Life I wanted to LOVE YOU I didn't expect you to not love me anymore. I wanted to.

8,045,311,447 I'm so happy to know I'm one of the fearfully and wonderfully made folk in this number according to Psalm 139: 24 Anyone who will ever see this when ever you do Never ever let anyone tell you anything different

Ignorance & Jealousy is a ugly spirit It's so unnecessary, and yet still rears it ugly head.

I'd like to think my life here on earth has been well spent and that I've made a good choices after many mistakes? or unwise moves I've made.

Allotted Time So we are all given another day, how many of us appreciate the gift or our allotted time our portion? Every ONE of us is dealing with something. THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE INDIFFERENT. So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom

Yes, I've heard of breaking the glass ceiling however come folks reasoning is simply a thud once it hits the ceiling.

Neither of them wanted a lifetime, my desire was to love you for the rest of my limited time here on earth unfortunately that was not in your plans. I didn't understand the logic especially since we said I do and one of us didn't.

The fact is Ignorance has no ethnicity or gender, not even a country it's universal.

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