Taiwo Adetunji

Taiwo Adetunji Poems

The journey
Terrain so smooth yet rough
Humpy bumpy yet lulls one to sleep
Dreamless yet restless

The Best Poem Of Taiwo Adetunji

The Journey

The journey
Terrain so smooth yet rough
Humpy bumpy yet lulls one to sleep
Dreamless yet restless
Mobile moving steadily
Like flowing river that ends at the shore
People waiting, hoping even though the news precedes the arrival
Seeing is believing they say
But hearing makes a continuous ring to the ear
Talking all at once even if words fail to express the turmoil
Coming back unscathed is the dream, waking up to the wound is the reality
Revealing yet obtuse but the mind is comprehending
Understanding that life is the only tool for immediate and future plan
Undecided, unknown and unmindful of wishes, hopes and dreams dashed as a result of being ill-prepared
Jeffrey would have been 18 today and a graduate tomorrow
But now, we would never know

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