T.H Bloomfield

T.H Bloomfield Biography

I have always loved all forms of literature from novels to plays. Poetry to me is a very simple and rhythmical way to express myself and my perception of the world. Besides reading I love to dance, play instruments, and write computer programs (I know it's all very nerdy) . My favorite animals are whales and penguins and I hope to one day be able to travel the world.)

T.H Bloomfield Comments

T.H Bloomfield Quotes

Perhaps the sound had always been there—like the high-pitched twinkling when you sink your head in calm water, or the stirring in the gel of your eye when you fix on the sun.-Rich Shapero, Arms from the Sea

Not all those who wander are lost.-Bilbo Baggins from Lord of The Rings by J.R.R Tolkien

To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love-Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

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